House of Bread Community Church

God’s Purpose for Your Scars
December 29, 2019

God’s Purpose for Your Scars

Passage: Romans 8:28
Service Type:

Bible Text: Romans 8:28 | Presenter: Pastor Joel Jocelyn |
“God’s Purpose for your Scars!”

Where is God when it hurts?
Is He there?
Does He Care?

Are my troubles

a set of pointless exercises?

God is at work!
Romans 8:28

Three guarantees:

 God places limits on what happen to us, so it does not destroy us.

Job 1:12
Three guarantees:

God places limits on what happens to us, so it does not destroy us.
God will not allow you to have more troubles than you can bear.

He will make a way out or through what you are going through.

1 Corinthians 10:13
Three guarantees:

God places limits on what happens to us, so it does not destroy us.
God will not allow you to have more troubles than you can bear.

He will make a way out or through what you are going through.

God will work out all the things that happen in your life for your temporal and eternal benefits.

Bad things are bad no matter how much you try to spiritualize them.

They are bad!
God specializes in making beauty out of ashes.

God causes ALL things…

To work TOGETHER for good..

What is this “good” purpose?

Resemblance to Jesus Christ
This promise is NOT for everyone.

It is only for those who:

love God!

John 14:15
Ezekiel 36:26-27
This promise is NOT for everyone.
It is only for those who:

love God!
Have trusted Jesus as their Lord and Savior

God can and will choreograph all the circumstances of your life.
Isaiah 61:1-3

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