![Questions You Need Answers To – Part 2](https://sermons.houseofbread.church/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/New-Logo.jpg)
Questions You Need Answers To – Part 2
Bible Text: Matthew 22:15-22, Genesis 1:26-27 | Presenter: Rev. James Destine | Series: Questions You Need Answers To | There is a YouTube video associated with this presentation. Click on the title of this presentation to see the YouTube video.
Our society is in a destructive decline
The symptoms can be easily identified by most,
Few are competent to diagnose and address the root cause
What is the root cause of our destructive decline?
Our worldview
Everyone in society acts and lives in a certain way because we are guided by a particular worldview.
Everyone has a worldview, no one can live without a worldview, but not everyone knows they have a worldview.
What is your worldview?
A set of assumptions that you have made through which you look at every choice and every decision that ultimately shape our value in our day to day living.
The lens through which you see the world around you
Your worldview largely determines your opinions on matters of ethics and politics like:
What you think about abortion
Same-sex relationships
Genetic enhancement
Foreign aid
Your worldview is as indispensable for decision making as air is for breathing
If the church is going to help our society make a U-turn from our destructive decline we better have a worldview.
How are worldviews form?
Four life’s questions:
Whatever you believe about these four things will form your worldview
The origin of life
Who are we? What makes us human? What is it that differentiates us from animals?
Atheistic worldview
Theistic worldview
What does it mean to be human?
Evolution Theories
There are two types of evolution:
Microevolution is the scientific changes within a single population
Macroevolution- is the theory of change of kind.
Meaning human beings are not different from animals; we are only a change of kind.
This atheist or naturalist view is based on Darwin’s theory of Origin of species.
Matthew 22:15-22
what belongs to God?
who’s image is on you.
What does it mean to be human?
To be human is to be made in the image of God
Genesis 1:26-27
This is the theist (Christian) worldview worldview:
If you accept that premise, you automatically believe in the existence of God or a god, goddess etc.
You and I were made in the image of God and in His likeness.
so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” 27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them