House of Bread Community Church

Run This Way Part 3
August 11, 2019

Run This Way Part 3

Passage: 1 Corinthians 9:24- 27, 2 Timothy 4:7-8
Service Type:

Bible Text: 1 Corinthians 9:24- 27, 2 Timothy 4:7-8 | Preacher: Rev. James Destine | Series: Run This Way | —
Purposelessness is the mental illness of our day.

[[1 Corinthians 9:24- 27]]

What is your life’s purpose?

[[2 Timothy 4:8]]

Where do I start?

[[2 Timothy 4:7]]

You must:
_Fight the good the fight_
_You must finish the race_


_Learn the course_
_Train yourself for it_

[[ 1 Corinthians 9:25]]

The Art of Refusal

[[ 1 Corinthians 9:26]]

Dedication and Devotion


[[1 Corinthians 9:27]]

“The first victory that successful people ever achieve, or win is the victory over themselves.”
John Maxwell

What areas are in your life you are struggling with?
A. _Sexual_
B. _Speech_
C. _Spending_
D. _Spiritual_

A. Start with yourself.
_Take responsibility for your personal life_

B. Start small
_ Identify one or two areas and start there_

C. Start now
_You must first build your character before you build a career._
_You must first build your character before you build a marriage_
_You must first build your character before you build a ministry_

“You can’t dog it in spring training and expect to be the MVP of the World Series.

Start with self. Start small. Start now.

Living life on purpose will cost you something; not living life on purpose will cost you everything.
