House of Bread Community Church

Laodicea: The Church that Made Jesus Sick
June 30, 2019

Laodicea: The Church that Made Jesus Sick

Passage: Revelation 3:14–22
Service Type:

Bible Text: Revelation 3:14–22 | Presenter: Pastor Joel Jocelyn | Series: Christ’s Heart for His Church | Laodicea:
The Church that Made Jesus Sick

[[Revelation 3:14–22]]




The Amen: _Certainty – Truth_

There is “Objective Truth”

The faithful and true witness: _Jesus is the embodiment of Truth_

[[John 14:6]]

The Ruler (Beginning) over God’s Creation

[[Colossians 1: 15 – 18]]

The world or the culture does not get to decide what is true: _Jesus (who has the supremacy) does_

[[1 Timothy 3:14 – 15]]

So what kind of churches make Jesus sick?

++They have a warped view of Jesus Christ
++They do not embrace the Bible as the source of truth and the final authority
++They are indifferent to sin and spiritually apathetic
++They are self-deceived
++They are self-sufficient and proud

[[Isaiah 55:1-3]]

I stand at the door and knock
