House of Bread Community Church

Questions You Need Answers To – Part 3
October 16, 2019

Questions You Need Answers To – Part 3

Passage: Genesis 1:26, Genesis 2:7, Matthew 22:15-22, Ecclesiastes 1:1-11
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Bible Text: Genesis 1:26, Genesis 2:7, Matthew 22:15-22, Ecclesiastes 1:1-11 | Presenter: Rev. James Destine | Series: Questions You Need Answers To | Our society is in a destructive decline; while the symptoms can be easily identified by most,
few are competent to diagnose and address the root cause.

What is a worldview?

A set of assumptions that you have made through which you look at every choice and every decision that ultimately shape your value in your day to day living.
A worldview is the lens through which you see the world around you.

Worldviews are formed on the basis of these four life’s questions:


The origin of life

Who are we?
How did we get here?_
 What makes us human?_

There are two competing views on

The atheistic view
The theistic view

The atheists or naturalist view relies on the theory of evolution.

 “descent with modification,” the idea that species change over time, give rise to new species, and share a common ancestor.

There are two types of evolution:

Micro and macro evolution

Microevolution is the observation of changes within a single population.
Microevolution- is scientific because it is observable, repeatable and testable.

Macroevolution, on the other hand is the theory of change in kind.  Meaning human beings are not different from animals; we only evolved; a change in kind.

If that is your worldview of origin, you don’t need God or an intelligent designer for life.

Evolution can only happen after life begins.
Evolution cannot provide answers to:

Who are we?
Where we come from?
The theory proposes that we evolved from one species and therefore not any different from other animals.

The theist world

Who are we?

Genesis 1:26
We are God’s creation

How did we get here?

Genesis 2:7

What makes us human? _(what’s the secret sauce?)_

Matthew 22:15-22

What does it mean to be human?

To be human is to be made in the image of God
Genesis 1:26

If you accept that premise, which is the theist view, you automatically believe in the existence of God or at least an intelligent designer
If you don’t accept that premise, which is the naturalist or atheist view, you automatically don’t believe in the existence of God or a god, a goddess.
Worldviews are formed by having a coherent (logical and consistent) answer to these four questions:



 The naturalist view is life originated by accident from a single cell. To believe that is to automatically exclude God from the equation.
When you remove God, how do you answer the question of meaning, morality and destiny?
Remember all four answers to the four questions has to be coherent meaning logical and consistent

Origin: If life originated accidentally by a single cell, can life have meaning?

Meaning, life cannot have meaning, because there will be no reason for life and therefore life is worthless

Origin- If God is the originator of life and human beings are made in his image and in his likeness, life has to have meaning.

Why life must have meaning?

Life must have meaning because life would be sacred.

What does the word sacred mean?

 The word sacred means to be connected with God
When you exclude God as the creator or originator of life you desacralize life and when you desacralize life everything becomes profane, because apart from God everything, including life, is meaningless.
Ecclesiastes 1:1-11

The meaning of life is found in its connection to God

The meaning of life is found in a relationship with Jesus Christ.
When God is included, there is a reason for human life and therefore human beings have worth.

Why do Americans eat deer and not dogs?

Sacredness gives reason, meaning and worth to anyone or anything.
Life has meaning because life is sacred.

What difference would that make in a person’s life?

Genesis 1:1-28

The meaning of life will push you to discover?

No, it gives you:

A sense of wonder
The knowledge of truth
The experience of love
The comfort of safety and security

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