House of Bread Community Church

Who Is My Neighbor
October 20, 2019

Who Is My Neighbor

Passage: Luke 10:29-37, 2 Tim 2:15, Luke 10:27-36
Service Type:

Bible Text: Luke 10:29-37, 2 Tim 2:15, Luke 10:27-36 | Presenter: Rev. James Destine | Luke 10:29-37

Why do Rabbis always answer a question with another question?

Bouncing the person’s question back at them can help you discover:

What’s really in their heart
What they really believe
What to teach them

Three qualities a person must have to inherit eternal life 

“What must I do to inherit eternal life?”

“What is written in the Law?”

The subject of :

Eternal life
How human beings should treat each other
The sanctity of life

These things are and should always be outside of man’s domain or control; they must always and exclusively be God’s responsibility,  not ours.

The person who will inherit eternal life puts God’s word above all others.
“How do you read it?”

How do you interpret God’s word?

God’s word must always be interpreted without prejudice or bias:

The word of God has been used, in this country, to make slavery acceptable.
The word of God is being used to make homosexuality acceptable.

2 Tim 2:15

Luke 10:27-36

Who is your neighbor?

Your neighbor is not the one who looks like you, thinks like you, votes like you or worships like you.
The one you show mercy to when they are in need of it. 

Luke 10:37

3. The person who will inherit the kingdom of God is a doer of God’s word.
